[Twiz O'Meter] Update to firmware 1.80
- PriusTwizy
- Senior Boarder
- 2020 Twizy 80
- Beiträge: 113
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2020 Twizy 80 with Korea windows. I have a Twiz'O'meter which is connected to my Home Assistant. I have a type 2 adapter and a CEE adapter so I can charge everywhere. I can read and understand German pretty well, but I can't write it

- Delvecchio
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- Pro Boarder
- Fabio java
- Beiträge: 612
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kWh: enery available in the battery
Amp: instant current consumption
RPM: motor rpm
B12: service battery voltage
PN1: state of pin 1 of the extension connector
PN2: state of pin 2 of the extension connector
KmT: dashboard total km
KmR: dashboard km left
KmH: dashboard speed
CEt: charging ETA in minutes
CdK: kWh charged from the begining of the charge
C-T: charger temperature
CKw: charging power
T-T: temperature inside the blackbox
MIN: seconds from last ToM reboot
Acc, AnX, Any, AnZ: gyroscope data
- PriusTwizy
- Senior Boarder
- 2020 Twizy 80
- Beiträge: 113
- Dank erhalten: 159
2020 Twizy 80 with Korea windows. I have a Twiz'O'meter which is connected to my Home Assistant. I have a type 2 adapter and a CEE adapter so I can charge everywhere. I can read and understand German pretty well, but I can't write it

- PriusTwizy
- Senior Boarder
- 2020 Twizy 80
- Beiträge: 113
- Dank erhalten: 159
* Generally works well.
* Documentation could use an update for the newer firmware version, if you want I can help you with that. I write English technical manuals as part of my job.
* Reduced charging power still sometimes, but not always, still bounces around a lot:
If there's anything I can do to help troubleshoot this, like pull a log file or something, please let me know.
* I've had once or twice that the charge had stopped way lower than the set end-SoC. Like end-SoC set to 85%, but actual SoC was something like 61%. Both times occurred when charging power was reduced, probably to 0,4 or 0,7 kW (because that's what I've used most so far)
* The KmT field in the MQTT message gives the total km as a factor of ten too high. For instance, MQTT message says "KmT": "152112", but actual dashboard odometer says 15211. I can easily correct for that in Home Assistant

* I would like to experiment with sending MQTT messages to the ToM, to set charging power etc, is there any documentation about that? Like the exact topic name, and how the messages should be formatted etc?
2020 Twizy 80 with Korea windows. I have a Twiz'O'meter which is connected to my Home Assistant. I have a type 2 adapter and a CEE adapter so I can charge everywhere. I can read and understand German pretty well, but I can't write it

- Delvecchio
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- Pro Boarder
- Fabio java
- Beiträge: 612
- Dank erhalten: 1031
I reply at the moment to the last question.PriusTwizy schrieb: * I would like to experiment with sending MQTT messages to the ToM, to set charging power etc, is there any documentation about that? Like the exact topic name, and how the messages should be formatted etc?
Topic names are:
"ToM/001/set" for abort charging. Payload: "0" (to abort) or "1"
"ToM/002/set" for charge power linit. Payload: "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
"ToM/003/set" for stop charge at SOC%. Payload: a number between "20" and "100"
"ToM/001/state" returns charging state. Payload: none
"ToM/002/state" returns charge power limit. Payload: none
"ToM/003/state" returns stop charge at SOC%. Payload: none
- PriusTwizy
- Senior Boarder
- 2020 Twizy 80
- Beiträge: 113
- Dank erhalten: 159
It seems like the ToM didn't switch to winter time. Totally not important to me, the trip data is volatile anyway, and I'm mainly going to look in Home Assistant anyway, but I thought I'd let you know.
2020 Twizy 80 with Korea windows. I have a Twiz'O'meter which is connected to my Home Assistant. I have a type 2 adapter and a CEE adapter so I can charge everywhere. I can read and understand German pretty well, but I can't write it

- Delvecchio
- Autor
- Pro Boarder
- Fabio java
- Beiträge: 612
- Dank erhalten: 1031
Your help is welcome!PriusTwizy schrieb: * Documentation could use an update for the newer firmware version, if you want I can help you with that. I write English technical manuals as part of my job.
When I'll finish current tasks, I'll try to see if it is possible to improve it.PriusTwizy schrieb: If there's anything I can do to help troubleshoot this, like pull a log file or something, please let me know.
I'll fix it!PriusTwizy schrieb: * The KmT field in the MQTT message gives the total km as a factor of ten too high. For instance, MQTT message says "KmT": "152112", but actual dashboard odometer says 15211. I can easily correct for that in Home Assistant
but it's better when the input data is correct.
- PriusTwizy
- Senior Boarder
- 2020 Twizy 80
- Beiträge: 113
- Dank erhalten: 159
This is within Home Assistant, I have installed the MQTT addon. On the bottom you can see the last packet of the topic ToM/TopicJson, so listening to packets works fine. However, as you can see I send a 0 to the topic ToM/001/set, which should stop the charging process, correct?
Well, the charge prcoess doesn't stop. I should get some sort of confirmation on topic ToM/001/state, correct? That doesn't arrive, either.
Am I misunderstanding something? Thank you.
2020 Twizy 80 with Korea windows. I have a Twiz'O'meter which is connected to my Home Assistant. I have a type 2 adapter and a CEE adapter so I can charge everywhere. I can read and understand German pretty well, but I can't write it

- PriusTwizy
- Senior Boarder
- 2020 Twizy 80
- Beiträge: 113
- Dank erhalten: 159
So, the problem seems to lie in what how I send the command to the topics ToM/001/set and ToM/002/set. Does that need some sort of formatting I'm not aware of?
In the web server, I've set the MQTT setting as such, is this correct?
2020 Twizy 80 with Korea windows. I have a Twiz'O'meter which is connected to my Home Assistant. I have a type 2 adapter and a CEE adapter so I can charge everywhere. I can read and understand German pretty well, but I can't write it

- Delvecchio
- Autor
- Pro Boarder
- Fabio java
- Beiträge: 612
- Dank erhalten: 1031
For topic 001, payoload 0 to abort.
For topic 002 , payload 0 or 1 ... or 7 to set the desired charging level.
For topic 003, payload with two digits of the value you want to set.
I'll look at the code of topic 001 as soon as I'll be at home, may be there is something I don't remember.
- PriusTwizy
- Senior Boarder
- 2020 Twizy 80
- Beiträge: 113
- Dank erhalten: 159
The main function (for me) of the ToM works perfectly: ending the charge at 85%.
2020 Twizy 80 with Korea windows. I have a Twiz'O'meter which is connected to my Home Assistant. I have a type 2 adapter and a CEE adapter so I can charge everywhere. I can read and understand German pretty well, but I can't write it

- Delvecchio
- Autor
- Pro Boarder
- Fabio java
- Beiträge: 612
- Dank erhalten: 1031
For topic 001, I didn't send the confirmation of the updated state inside the callback function like for the other topics.
The reason is that the changing of the charging state is controlled elsewhere, upon receipt of the stop charging value from the canbus.
Since I rewrote the part of the code I used before to retrieve the Twizy states (charging/stop charging included) and considered that abort charge is performed with a sort of "brutal force", sending some values via the canbus, I think that abort charge isn't followed by the same canbus traffic as a normal stop charging and so ToM doesn't recognize the transition from charging state to another, this means that no update of the charging state is send via mqtt.
It's only a supposition I have to verify.
Anyway, this shouldn't affect abort charge to work properly.
Can you confirm if the charging process really abort or not, despite the missing of the update state confirmation?
- PriusTwizy
- Senior Boarder
- 2020 Twizy 80
- Beiträge: 113
- Dank erhalten: 159
Delvecchio schrieb: I checked.
Can you confirm if the charging process really abort or not, despite the missing of the update state confirmation?
When I attempted to abort the charge by sending the 0 via MQTT, I did not get a confirmation via the state topic and the charge did not abort.
When I attempted to abort the charge from the webserver, I got a confirmation via the state topic and the charge aborted.
I am 99% sure that channel 002 reacted exactly the same. Sending MQTT messages did not actually change the charging power.
I did not test channel 003.
2020 Twizy 80 with Korea windows. I have a Twiz'O'meter which is connected to my Home Assistant. I have a type 2 adapter and a CEE adapter so I can charge everywhere. I can read and understand German pretty well, but I can't write it

- Delvecchio
- Autor
- Pro Boarder
- Fabio java
- Beiträge: 612
- Dank erhalten: 1031
Can you attach the screenshot of your Network settings page of the webUI?
Remind to obfuscate sensible settings.
- Delvecchio
- Autor
- Pro Boarder
- Fabio java
- Beiträge: 612
- Dank erhalten: 1031