[Twiz O'Meter] Update to firmware 1.45 OTA
- Delvecchio
- Autor
- Pro Boarder
- Fabio java
- Beiträge: 611
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Easter is coming, so I decided to publish the third firmware release!
You won't find a long list of new features, like in the previous releases, but I can assure this is anyway a huge update, because, despite of their number, the addings are very important.
They will simplify a lot the future update procedures and will open you new unexpected doors.
So, why are you still waiting? Read the changelog to know what I'm discussing about. It's worth it!
What is new in firmware 1.45 OTA
- implemented OTA update for the blackbox, to simplify future updating procedures
- created two OTA partitions for ToM's fw update and a "special" partition for alternative (i.e. non ToM) fw
- added the capability to OTA update directly to the third "special" partition to run alternative fw (mainly thought to run Twizy-cfg shell by dexter, for tuning purposes)
- added the capability to set the special partition as boot partition
- created an EEprom area, accessible by alternative fw
- added brightness auto-dimming. When position lamps are switched on, ToM lcd brightness will be half the normal. Auto-dimming could take up to 5 seconds to work, due to internal timings.
- available a version with web server pages translated in german (thanks to Snorre for this) and french (thanks to Sherlock for this). The last one will be published soon.
Bug fixed:
- trip average inclination now show correct value
- added decimal divisor for odometer in monitor web page
Known bugs:
- Sometimes web server has some troubles to load. In this case, it's helpul to connect your Twiz o'meter to a Wi-Fi network before attempting to load the web server main page.
Special thanks goes to:
- Snorre, for his patience and courage for having experienced so many beta releases that we lost the count, without ever losing faith in me even when his ToM refused to restart.
- all the other members of this great forum (I beg your pardon if I don't mention your names here...), for their contribution of ideas and suggestions.
Updating procedure:
To install the new fw you have to update only the Blackbox, as explained in detail in ToM manual, except for these further instructions.
This time (for the last time...) three files have to be flashed in one shot.
Configure flash tool in this way
Check twice (three times... four times.... n times ....) the address numbers you have to enter for each file (0x8000, 0x10000, 0xe000), before hitting "Start".
And please, once again, you have to strictly follow all the steps!!!
That's all... for now!
Akku61: corrected the address numbers as written in the next post
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- Delvecchio
- Autor
- Pro Boarder
- Fabio java
- Beiträge: 611
- Dank erhalten: 1025
As you can see, I didn't checked enough!Delvecchio schrieb: Check twice (three times... four times.... n times ....) the address numbers you have to enter for each file (0x8000, 0x10000, 0xe00), before hitting "Start".

Correct addresses are the one listed in the picture: 0x8000, 0x10000, 0xe000.
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- Ulli-et-Tom
- Platinum Boarder
- Beiträge: 2424
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a huge thanks for the update. This is mega !!!
The import has worked super well. From now on we do not need to crawl in the footwell to make an update.
So thanks again, your support is just indescribable.
Of course my thanks also go to Martin for testing again and again.
And of course I still offer to do the update for others. And you should do this in any case, because it will make future updates much easier, if the ToM is in the WLAN range. Then you can do it from your home computer.
LG Tom
Hi Fabio,
ein riesen Dank für das Update. Das ist mega !!!
Das Einspielen hat super gut funktioniert. Von nun brauchen wir nicht mehr im Fußraum kriechen, um ein Update zu machen.
Also Danke nochmals, dein Support ist einfach unbeschreiblich.
Mein Dank geht natürlich auch an Martin fürs immer wieder testen.
Und ich biete mich natürlich weiterhin an für andere das Update zu machen. Und dieses solltet ihr auf jeden Fall machen, weil damit werden die zukünftigen Updates wesentlich einfacher, sofern sich das ToM im WLAN Bereich befindet. Dann könnt ihr es vom heimischen Computer machen.
LG Tom
Twizylino 08-2012 I Twizplay I OVMS V3 I Vorn:145/70R13 I Hinten:145/80R13 I Alu I Tagfahrlicht I Zusatzlager I KAUFAKKU

Twizy(Hummel) Cargo 08-2015 I OVMS V3 I Alu I Zusatzlager I KAUFAKKU

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- Ulli-et-Tom
- Platinum Boarder
- Beiträge: 2424
- Dank erhalten: 1698
Delvecchio schrieb:
As you can see, I didn't checked enough!Delvecchio schrieb: Check twice (three times... four times.... n times ....) the address numbers you have to enter for each file (0x8000, 0x10000, 0xe00), before hitting "Start".
Correct addresses are the one listed in the picture: 0x8000, 0x10000, 0xe000.
Am I not seeing it right ?
These are the same addresses as in the picture, right ?
LG Tom
Twizylino 08-2012 I Twizplay I OVMS V3 I Vorn:145/70R13 I Hinten:145/80R13 I Alu I Tagfahrlicht I Zusatzlager I KAUFAKKU

Twizy(Hummel) Cargo 08-2015 I OVMS V3 I Alu I Zusatzlager I KAUFAKKU

RTT2022 Nr.18
RTT2025 Nr.xx
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- Delvecchio
- Autor
- Pro Boarder
- Fabio java
- Beiträge: 611
- Dank erhalten: 1025
Akku61 kindly corrected the first post.
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- Delvecchio
- Autor
- Pro Boarder
- Fabio java
- Beiträge: 611
- Dank erhalten: 1025
Ulli-et-Tom schrieb: From now on we do not need to crawl in the footwell to make an update.

Yes, in this way is a lot more confortable for brained biped creatures!
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- Ulli-et-Tom
- Platinum Boarder
- Beiträge: 2424
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Mein ToM macht während der Fahrt immer mal wieder einen Neustart in unregelmäßigen Abständen.
Die Steckverbindungen sind es eher nicht.
Hat das noch jemand von euch ?
@Fabio: Hättest du eine Erklärung dafür ?
LG Tom
Moin Together,
My ToM keeps rebooting at irregular intervals while driving.
The connectors are it rather not.
Does anyone else have this from you ?
@Fabio: Would you have an explanation for this ?
LG Tom
Twizylino 08-2012 I Twizplay I OVMS V3 I Vorn:145/70R13 I Hinten:145/80R13 I Alu I Tagfahrlicht I Zusatzlager I KAUFAKKU

Twizy(Hummel) Cargo 08-2015 I OVMS V3 I Alu I Zusatzlager I KAUFAKKU

RTT2022 Nr.18
RTT2025 Nr.xx
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- Delvecchio
- Autor
- Pro Boarder
- Fabio java
- Beiträge: 611
- Dank erhalten: 1025
Enter in the page I suggested you in private to acrivate 12v reading, and disabile PID loop requests.
Please tell me if in this way you solve.
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- Ulli-et-Tom
- Platinum Boarder
- Beiträge: 2424
- Dank erhalten: 1698
Delvecchio schrieb: Yes, Snorre has a similar problem.
Enter in the page I suggested you in private to acrivate 12v reading, and disabile PID loop requests.
Please tell me if in this way you solve.
Hi Fabio,
Thanks for your message. I will disable it tomorrow and test it. Unfortunately, the 12V battery voltage is then no longer shown
LG Tom
Hi Fabio,
Danke für dein Nachricht. Ich werde es morgen mal deaktivieren und testen. Leider wird dann die 12V Batteriespannung nicht mehr gezeigt
LG Tom
Twizylino 08-2012 I Twizplay I OVMS V3 I Vorn:145/70R13 I Hinten:145/80R13 I Alu I Tagfahrlicht I Zusatzlager I KAUFAKKU

Twizy(Hummel) Cargo 08-2015 I OVMS V3 I Alu I Zusatzlager I KAUFAKKU

RTT2022 Nr.18
RTT2025 Nr.xx
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- Delvecchio
- Autor
- Pro Boarder
- Fabio java
- Beiträge: 611
- Dank erhalten: 1025
Disabling PID loop request will cause the loss of 12v reading and auto-dimming.Ulli-et-Tom schrieb: I will disable it tomorrow and test it. Unfortunately, the 12V battery voltage is then no longer shown
In some configuration, loop requests give error and bootloop.
It would be useful to know if others have this problem, and their configuration (OVMS, not original BMS etc.).
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- HollandHannes
- Junior Boarder
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Looking forward for the next update to test the OTA feature

2012 Twizy Carbon
2016 Cargo in Baby Blau
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- Cietie
- Fresh Boarder
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- Delvecchio
- Autor
- Pro Boarder
- Fabio java
- Beiträge: 611
- Dank erhalten: 1025
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