Ye[Twiz O'Meter] Update to firmware 1.6

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30 Sep 2023 10:24 - 30 Sep 2023 10:34 #249836 von Delvecchio
[Twiz O'Meter] Update to firmware 1.6
Hi everyone.
Time has come for a new firmware release!
In this fw you will find not only bug fixes, but, as anticipated , new features like the charging control, the trip log in the touch display, support for a new type of steering wheel control and so on.
So, read the changelog to know in details what I'm discussing about. It's worth it!
What is new in firmware 1.6
- added support for a second type of steering wheel control. Now you can use (instead of the IR type) also Key+ remote controller (common among auto-radio accessories).
Please choose the model with its wired control box, not the BT one. A guide for installing and configurating this device will be avavilable in the forum as soon as possible.
- added the Trip log page also in ToM display. To enter in trip log mode long tap on the alarm icon. To exit, long tap on the new trip log mode icon.
The icon will change accordingly, then tap again on the icon to see the Alarm or trip log.
Once entered in the log, tap on the item icon (or press MOD button on the RC) to change the item shown. Tap on the upper bar with the little Twizy (or press OK button on the RC), to browse to the next pages.
The last alarm/trip log mode and the last item shown are saved at ToM switch off, so they will be restored on next boot.
The trip time value is limited to 7 digit, so if the trip lasted more than an hour, only hours and minutes will be displayed, if instead it lasted less than an hour, minutes and seconds will be displayed.
- added a new "Advanced info & sets" page in the Web UI. In this page you'll find, in addition to new useful charging control (see below), some advanced info (stored battery values, battery mileage, total kWh drained from the battery, number of total/full/partial charges).
- added the possibility to control the maximun charging power over 220V AC socket. You can choose between 7 levels, as follows:
7 = 2,3 kW 220v (full power) = 35 A to the battery
6 = 2,1 kW 220v = 30 A to the battery
5 = 1,7 kW 220v = 25 A to the battery
4 = 1,4 kW 220v = 20 A to the battery
3 = 1,0 kW 220v = 15 A to the battery
2 = 0,7 kW 220v = 10 A to the battery
1 = 0,4 kW 220v = 5 A to the battery
0 = disable limit
Please take note that the charging power is changed "on the fly", overwriting continuosly via the canbus the level setted by the BMS. So when charge starts and during it, it could happen that power will go to the maximun level for a few seconds if the BMS overbears.
- added the possibility to stop charge when a selected SOC is reached (available range 20-100% SOC)
- added the possibility to immediately abort charging
- all the above controls for charging process are available via webserver, via mqtt (in set & state like commands - topic names are "001" "002" "003") and in the touch display (a second settings page has been added for this).
- main 220V connection state ("220") now is now published over mqtt Json payload
- auto dimming now can be disabled from the "Advanced info & settings" page of the webserver
Bug fixed:
- restored correct display of Gyro icons
- enabling/disabling Pin2 output now works as it should
- solved some issues of tray icons (now they show the correct state)
- charging state ("CSt") now is published correctly over mqtt Json payload
- should be solved the minor conflict problem which, occasionaly, causes OVMS to report fake alerts
Known bugs:
- Sometimes web server has some troubles to load. In this case, it's helpul to connect your Twiz o'meter to a Wi-Fi network (or to the hotspot of your phone, if your Wi-Fi network is out of range) before attempting to load the web server main page.
Special thanks goes to:
Snorre, as usual, for his constant support in ToM development, his patience and his competent suggestions are inexhaustible.
Danne (from Sweden), for the idea to control charging current limit also via mqtt for a better integration in an home assistance envirorment and for the patience to tests all the relative beta fw.
All the other members of this great forum: they spend their time to improve our little T., making it amazing!
I want to thank you here also TrofiTwizy, the first brave who came from Germany to my home to collect personaly his ToM! ;)
Updating procedure:
To install the new fw you have to update both the Blackbox and the LCD display, as explained in detail in ToM manual except for these further instructions:
- coming from 1.4 fw (and later), the Blackbox can be updated also via OTA, without flashing
- coming from previuous versions (1.3 or 1.2) you have to update before to 1.4 (or 1.45) fw version, following the specific instructions reported in 1.4 / 1.45 topic , and only then to 1.6 fw.
And please, once again, you have to strictly follow all the mentioned steps!!!
What is missing:
I tried to implement in this fw all the features you requested me in private and in public, but some are still missing :(
So Sherlock, don't hate me if the delayed stop of your aux charging fan isn't born yet!
That's all... for now. Have fun wih ToM!

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Letzte Änderung: 30 Sep 2023 10:34 von Delvecchio.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Snorre, Drakoon1964, maikt, Wolfe, Ulli-et-Tom, AndiEcker, HollandHannes, FRZ77, green_fox, Jack-Lee, Cietie, Sherlock
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30 Sep 2023 15:33 #249840 von dst6se
[Twiz O'Meter] Update to firmware 1.6
Nice update , and thanks for developing a great product.

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30 Sep 2023 23:31 #249854 von Wolfe
[Twiz O'Meter] Update to firmware 1.6

- added a new "Advanced info & sets" page in the Web UI. In this page you'll find, in addition to new useful charging control (see below), some advanced info (stored battery values, battery mileage, total kWh drained from the battery, number of total/full/partial charges).
- added the possibility to control the maximun charging power over 220V AC socket. You can choose between 7 levels, as follows:
7 = 2,3 kW 220v (full power) = 35 A to the battery
6 = 2,1 kW 220v = 30 A to the battery
5 = 1,7 kW 220v = 25 A to the battery
4 = 1,4 kW 220v = 20 A to the battery
3 = 1,0 kW 220v = 15 A to the battery
2 = 0,7 kW 220v = 10 A to the battery
1 = 0,4 kW 220v = 5 A to the battery
0 = disable limit

Sounds pretty cool, specificall during winter time - low radiation and less PV Power surplus - while having big batt.

Is the way to communicate well documented, I assume :dry:


Twizy Bj 2012, seit 08/'23: ca. 44+ tkm, seit 12/'23 mit 20 kWh Batterie
ToM seit 10/'23, einschl. PV-Überschußladung
DIY V2H DC-BiDi Charging
Dach- & Insel PV-Anlage: 13 / 2,9 kWp
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01 Okt 2023 06:59 - 01 Okt 2023 07:03 #249858 von Delvecchio
[Twiz O'Meter] Update to firmware 1.6

Wolfe schrieb: Is the way to communicate well documented, I assume :dry:

The control via touch display is very easy: just tap on the screen and select the level. Control via webserver is easy as well, once you are connected to ToM's AP/web UI.
Direct control via mqtt is similar to any other device which rely on mqtt.
Letzte Änderung: 01 Okt 2023 07:03 von Delvecchio.
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06 Okt 2023 18:50 #250100 von Ulli-et-Tom
[Twiz O'Meter] Update to firmware 1.6
Hy Fabio,

first of all thank you for the update.

I have 2 questions about this:

1. is it correct that an update is possible only the blackbox via OTA ?
2. and from this, is it correct that the update for display is still only via SDCard ?

And then unfortunately I have to report that I put the SDCard in the display at the wrong angle and is now inside. :woohoo: :woohoo: What can happen...
Can I open the case non-destructively to free the SDCard again ? And yes, how ? :confused: :confused:

LG Tom

Hy Fabio,

zunächst erst einmal vielen Dank für das Update.

Dazu habe ich 2 Fragen:

1. Ist es richtig, dass ein Update nur die Blackbox via OTA möglich ist ?
2. Und daraus resultierend, ist es richtig, dass das Update für Display weiterhin nur via SDCard erfolgt ?

Und dann muß ich leider berichten, dass ich die SDCard im flaschen Winkel ins Display gesteckt habe und sich nun im inneren befindet. Was so alles passieren kann…
Kann ich das Gehäuse zerstörungsfrei öffnen, um die SDCard wieder zu befreien ? Und ja, wie ?

LG Tom

Twizylino 08-2012 I Twizplay I OVMS V3 I Vorn:145/70R13 I Hinten:145/80R13 I Alu I Tagfahrlicht I Zusatzlager I KAUFAKKU :-)
Twizy(Hummel) Cargo 08-2015 I OVMS V3 I Alu I Zusatzlager I KAUFAKKU :-)



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06 Okt 2023 19:42 - 06 Okt 2023 19:42 #250102 von Delvecchio
[Twiz O'Meter] Update to firmware 1.6

Ulli-et-Tom schrieb: 1. Ist es richtig, dass ein Update nur die Blackbox via OTA möglich ist ?

No, you can update with the flashing tool, using a PC, or via OTA.

Ulli-et-Tom schrieb: 2. Und daraus resultierend, ist es richtig, dass das Update für Display weiterhin nur via SDCard erfolgt ?

Yes, correct, it's possible only with SD card. There is no other way.

Ulli-et-Tom schrieb: Und dann muß ich leider berichten, dass ich die SDCard im flaschen Winkel ins Display gesteckt habe und sich nun im inneren befindet. Was so alles passieren kann…

It's not dangerous: no risk to damage something inside.
Simply, you will hear it hitting the plastic, like a maracas. :P But I'm sure the gear-box "amazing" melody will cover it. :laugh:

Ulli-et-Tom schrieb: Kann ich das Gehäuse zerstörungsfrei öffnen, um die SDCard wieder zu befreien ? Und ja, wie ?

Yes, it's possible. I'll send you some instructions in private.
Letzte Änderung: 06 Okt 2023 19:42 von Delvecchio.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Ulli-et-Tom
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06 Okt 2023 20:38 - 06 Okt 2023 20:40 #250104 von Ulli-et-Tom
[Twiz O'Meter] Update to firmware 1.6

Delvecchio schrieb: ...But I'm sure the gear-box "amazing" melody will cover it. :laugh:

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Delvecchio schrieb: Yes, it's possible. I'll send you some instructions in private.

Thank you !

LG Tom

Twizylino 08-2012 I Twizplay I OVMS V3 I Vorn:145/70R13 I Hinten:145/80R13 I Alu I Tagfahrlicht I Zusatzlager I KAUFAKKU :-)
Twizy(Hummel) Cargo 08-2015 I OVMS V3 I Alu I Zusatzlager I KAUFAKKU :-)



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Letzte Änderung: 06 Okt 2023 20:40 von Ulli-et-Tom.
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06 Okt 2023 21:02 #250105 von Delvecchio
[Twiz O'Meter] Update to firmware 1.6
Just sent. Check your email-box.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Ulli-et-Tom
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07 Okt 2023 15:56 #250119 von Ulli-et-Tom
[Twiz O'Meter] Update to firmware 1.6

Ulli-et-Tom schrieb: Hy Fabio,

first of all thank you for the update.

I have 2 questions about this:

1. is it correct that an update is possible only the blackbox via OTA ?
2. and from this, is it correct that the update for display is still only via SDCard ?

And then unfortunately I have to report that I put the SDCard in the display at the wrong angle and is now inside. :woohoo: :woohoo: What can happen...
Can I open the case non-destructively to free the SDCard again ? And yes, how ? :confused: :confused:

LG Tom

Hy Fabio,

zunächst erst einmal vielen Dank für das Update.

Dazu habe ich 2 Fragen:

1. Ist es richtig, dass ein Update nur die Blackbox via OTA möglich ist ?
2. Und daraus resultierend, ist es richtig, dass das Update für Display weiterhin nur via SDCard erfolgt ?

Und dann muß ich leider berichten, dass ich die SDCard im flaschen Winkel ins Display gesteckt habe und sich nun im inneren befindet. Was so alles passieren kann…
Kann ich das Gehäuse zerstörungsfrei öffnen, um die SDCard wieder zu befreien ? Und ja, wie ?

LG Tom

...habe sie wieder aus der Dunkelheit befreit…

@Fabio: Vielen vielen lieben Dank nochmal für deinen schnellen Support !!

...have freed them again from the darkness...

@Fabio: Many many thanks again for your quick support !!!

Twizylino 08-2012 I Twizplay I OVMS V3 I Vorn:145/70R13 I Hinten:145/80R13 I Alu I Tagfahrlicht I Zusatzlager I KAUFAKKU :-)
Twizy(Hummel) Cargo 08-2015 I OVMS V3 I Alu I Zusatzlager I KAUFAKKU :-)



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07 Okt 2023 18:39 #250129 von Delvecchio
[Twiz O'Meter] Update to firmware 1.6
Well done!
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26 Okt 2023 19:13 #250879 von Ulli-et-Tom
[Twiz O'Meter] Update to firmware 1.6
Moin Zusammen,

ich wollte mal berichten, dass die sporadisch produzierte Meldung DF529 nicht mehr auftaucht (bis heute jedenfalls).
Das hatte ich hier berichtet :

Ich schreibe dass hier, weil es absolut Sinn macht, dass Update durchzuführen, wenn man das OVMS parallel betreibt und reduziert lädt.
Bei mir wurde die Meldung erzeugt mit der ToM Version 1.4.

Ich habe das jetzt erst ein paar mal getestet mit der 1.6 - ich hoffe das bleibt so.

@Martin: danke für den Tipp

LG Tom

Twizylino 08-2012 I Twizplay I OVMS V3 I Vorn:145/70R13 I Hinten:145/80R13 I Alu I Tagfahrlicht I Zusatzlager I KAUFAKKU :-)
Twizy(Hummel) Cargo 08-2015 I OVMS V3 I Alu I Zusatzlager I KAUFAKKU :-)



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03 Mai 2024 21:43 #256888 von FRZ77
[Twiz O'Meter] Update to firmware 1.6
Some 1.6 features seem to solve just what I am looking for: Reduced charing power and charging stop it SoC is 80%.
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03 Mai 2024 21:54 #256889 von Delvecchio
Ye[Twiz O'Meter] Update to firmware 1.6
Yes, that feature is implemented.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Ulli-et-Tom, FRZ77
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