Twiz o'Meter Miny (ToMmy) / Twiz o'Meter charge controller
- FRZ77
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Der Rest ist auch nett, aber im Fahrbetrieb für mich overkill und für andere Nutzer unseres Twizy erst recht. Daher würd/werde ich das kaufen und das original Tiwz-o-meter quais nur als Diagnosetool vorhalten.
Preis ist mir eher egal.
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- PriusTwizy
- Junior Boarder
- 2020 Twizy 80
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- Stop charging at a set SoC. For my daily commute, I don't need to charge beyond 80%.
- Display SoC in percent and battery temperature during driving. Discharge power/current, as a bar maybe, would be a nice to have. Fonts not too small, because of the age-related eye issues others have already mentioned.
- Limit the charge power. Ideally, connected to my Home Assistant so that I can dynamically have the charge process follow the production of the solar panels, but I realise that is not trivial to build. Being able to limit the power to a set value would already be valuable.
2020 Twizy 80 with Korea windows. I can read and understand German pretty well, but I can't write it So please feel free to reply in German to my English posts.
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- Snorre
- Autor
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All your "must have" feature requests are already availiable in the beta version of the firmware.
Dynamical charging power will not be possible in ToMmy, but fixed to definite value.
Same with the "not to small fonts"
I'm suffering the problem of weak eyes too.
But ToMmy only allows a small display with small fonts.
The day to permanently wear glasses comes nearer.
For realizing the "nice to have" features it will be necessary to upgrade to ToM.
Twizy Cargo, EZ 07/2014, 110.000 km, Stand 09/2024
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- Wolfe
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- Nur fliegen ist schöner !
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PriusTwizy schrieb:
Limit the charge power. Ideally, connected to my Home Assistant so that I can dynamically have the charge process follow the production of the solar panels, but I realise that is not trivial to build. Being able to limit the power to a set value would already be valuable.
Here you need to set the power via the AC "Charge Level" via mqtt. I'm not working with Home Assistant, I'm using Node-Red, however it should be similar.
- Read out ToM/TopicJson
- Extract the actual charging level (1 to 6).
- Check if your PV surplus production is sufficient and you're still injecting into the grid
- If not, reduce the charging level by one level.
- If still consuming grid power, go one further step down (works in approx. 300 VA steps)
- This should be a loop, active while Twizy is connected to your home socket.
Works perfect.
However, as you know - Perfect is the enemy of good.
Thus, I implemented V2H on DC level. That way I use an externel converter (and not the OnBoardCharger) and gain more degrees of freedom. I.e. charge with lower power (< 300 VA) and are able to discharge TwizyBatt into the home.
Twizy Bj 2012, seit 08/'23: ca. 44+ tkm, seit 12/'23 mit 20 kWh Batterie
ToM seit 10/'23, einschl. PV-Überschußladung
DIY V2H DC-BiDi Charging
Dach- & Insel PV-Anlage: 13 / 2,9 kWp
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- Jack-Lee
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Würde gern 1-2 STK nehmen.
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- Snorre
- Autor
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Jack-Lee schrieb: Hab beim überfliegen nix gefunden: wie sieht's aus mit Lieferbarkeit und Preis?
Würde gern 1-2 STK nehmen.
Die Testphase ist noch nicht vollständig abgeschlossen.
Deshalb müssen wir noch um etwas Geduld bitten.
Der Preis wird wohl 90,- € zzgl. Versand betragen.
Um Missverständnissen vorzubeugen:
Ich bin in keiner Weise finanziell an dem Projekt beteiligt.
Ich unterstütze Fabio lediglich, in dem ich die Firmware ausgiebig teste, Probleme melde und Vorschläge unterbreite.
Er soll seine Energie in die Entwicklung der Firmware stecken anstatt Fragen zu beantworten oder Anleitungen zu verfassen.
Twizy Cargo, EZ 07/2014, 110.000 km, Stand 09/2024
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- Delvecchio
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- Fabio java
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All is ready, but the firmware requires some other days of testing.
Snorre gave me a really great help and a fundamental contribution to the birth, accomplishment and development of the device.
I am particularly grateful to him for this.
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- Urban
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Wenn es am gleichen Anschluss wie das Twizplay angeschlossen wird, würde ich auch eines nehmen.
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- PriusTwizy
- Junior Boarder
- 2020 Twizy 80
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Name | Read PIDs | Display | Set charging speed | Remote connected | URL | Remarks |
Torque app | Yes | Yes (phone) | ? | Yes | link | Have not seen it working |
Powerbox | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | link | Power/torque increase not possible with Twizys > 2016 |
OVMS | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | link | - |
And so on. Does something like this exist somehere on this forum? Of not, are people interested that I create something like this?
2020 Twizy 80 with Korea windows. I can read and understand German pretty well, but I can't write it So please feel free to reply in German to my English posts.
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- HollandHannes
- Junior Boarder
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PriusTwizy schrieb: Is there an overview somehere of all the ways you can get information / set parameters on a Twizy? I mean something like this:
Name Read PIDs Display Set charging speed Remote connected URL Remarks Torque app Yes Yes (phone) ? Yes link Have not seen it working Powerbox Yes Yes Yes Yes link Power/torque increase not possible with Twizys > 2016 OVMS Yes No Yes Yes link -
And so on. Does something like this exist somewhere on this forum? Of not, are people interested that I create something like this?
I think most of the Twizy driver who are active within the Twizy-Forum are using rather OVMS than the powerbox.
Happy to show you my OVMS and also ToM.
Otherwise kijk here:
2012 Twizy Carbon
2016 Cargo in Baby Blau
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- TwizyChrisy
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- Der Trend geht klar zum Zweittwizy äähhh....
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are you still "working" (or thinking about) on the project integrating your tool in / instead of the original dashboard?
Or did you cancel the project?
Mehr Twizys, mehr Freude.
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- Delvecchio
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- Fabio java
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Before I have at least to finish ToMmy and battery conversion of our two family Twizys.
The bigger display and the original speedometer for making tests are already here for a long time.
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- TwizyChrisy
- 10k Boarder
- Der Trend geht klar zum Zweittwizy äähhh....
- Beiträge: 18651
- Dank erhalten: 10388
Delvecchio schrieb: Sure, it is the next project I'll insert in my to do list.
Before I have at least to finish ToMmy and battery conversion of our two family Twizys.
The bigger display and the original speedometer for making tests are already here for a long time.
Hey I just wanted to know if the dream is still living
There is no need for speed
Mehr Twizys, mehr Freude.
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- TwizyChrisy
- 10k Boarder
- Der Trend geht klar zum Zweittwizy äähhh....
- Beiträge: 18651
- Dank erhalten: 10388
fixing any kind of batteries and can be programmed by WIFI connection with a nice browser based tool.
Just change the cells, connect the ready cabels to the cells close the batterie-box and drive.....
Adjustments about the battery type and capacitiy can be made with a few clicks....
I should smoke lighter weed.... than I would have more realistic dreams
Mehr Twizys, mehr Freude.
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- Delvecchio
- Pro Boarder
- Fabio java
- Beiträge: 576
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